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Blobb DS

I started this game with the idea of making something similar to The Sims or Nintendogs. The objective of this game is to look after a strange animal called "Blobb". I am trying to make it as much as customizable as I can, and I'll put the instructions to do it in this web when I finish it or, at least, when I improve it. This version is only a demo, but you can do some things..


Copy everything to your SD. You don't have to put this in the root of the SD card.


Up/Down: Change selected object number (object you are going to select).

Pad: Move selected object.

Touch screen: Make Blobb go to the point of the map you tell him.

A: Select object.

B: Fix object selected.

Start: Switch on/of the lights.

Select: Create new object.

Select + L: Reload room.

Select + R: Save objects state. You can reload them while you load the game if you hold A.

Download version 0.5