Over the last months I've seen a few tutorials about GB programming that use my GBT Player for music. I have to say a few things about that.

First: Thanks a lot for using my library! The fact that you like it enough to use it in your projects is what keeps it alive. Version 2 only happened because I was asked to add a few things to previous versions.

Second: You are using it wrong!

Ok, it's partly my fault, but it's your fault too, obviously: You are using GBDK... I mean, you just don't understand the implications of the ROM banking system the GB uses. I know I don't really have to explain this kind of things, but I feel a bit responsible for my library, so I'm going to explain why you are using it wrong and how to fix it. Let's see...

My (now old) example does something like this:

 #include <gb/gb.h> // Include GBDK lib
 #include "gbt_player.h" // Include player

 // Reference to song data
 extern const unsigned char * song_Data[];

 void main()
     // Disable interrupts while they are being configured

     gbt_play(song_Data, 2, 7); // Setup song
     gbt_loop(0); // The default is 0, this could be removed

     add_VBL(gbt_update); // Add callback for VBL interrupt (*)

     set_interrupts(VBL_IFLAG); // Enable VBL interrupt

     while (1)
         wait_vbl_done(); // Wait loop with reduced CPU usage

While the new one does this:

 #include <gb/gb.h> // Include GBDK lib
 #include "gbt_player.h" // Include player

 // Reference to song data
 extern const unsigned char * song_Data[];

 void main()
     // Disable interrupts while they are being configured

     gbt_play(song_Data, 2, 7); // Setup song
     gbt_loop(0); // The default is 0, this could be removed

     set_interrupts(VBL_IFLAG); // Enable VBL interrupt

     while (1)
         wait_vbl_done(); // Wait loop with reduced CPU usage

         gbt_update(); // Update player (*)

So what's the big deal?

Well, let's explain how the GB banking system works. You should know that. If you don't know that, you shouldn't be coding for GB, but whatever... The first 16 KB of the ROM are always mapped to addresses 0000h-3FFFh. This means that this code and data is always available to read! That's the place where you want your game engine to be. But GBT code doesn't go there by default. It goes to bank 1. Why? Because 16 KB is not much space. GBT player needs quite a bit of space and it's stupid to put it in bank 0 when GBDK is already using a lot of that space. It would leave you even less space for your code!

Banks 1 and beyond are mapped to addresses 4000h-7FFFh. Only one of them can be mapped at once there, so they must be switched when the program needs to access to data in other bank. This means that you can have as much 16 KB banks as you need (so you could have ROMs with infinite banks), but you have to take care to switch to the correct bank whenever you are trying to get some data or execute some code.

So GBT runs in bank 1, again, what's the big deal?

The problem here is that the first example uses interrupt for the player update function. If your game loop is small, and your ROM is small, and your game is more or less a "Hello World!" this won't be a problem because you won't use bank switching and bank 1 will always be available. If your game is big and you need to load data from other banks, there are problems because you will sometimes use data from other banks (in fact, GBT Player loads data from the bank where the song is placed, but it returns to bank 1 afterwards to execute its code).

An interrupt means that the CPU jumps to an interrupt vector, executes its code and then returns to its previous state. Again, you should know that. If you don't, something is wrong and you should stop and learn this kind of things first. But you won't, that's why I'm explaining this. This is useful to know when hardware events happen, like screen redraw. Vertical blanking period is entered when the current frame has been drawn, so it happens once every frame (around 60 times per second). This interrupt is very useful to synchronize the game, and GBT Player uses it to update itself.

Let's say you want to load a background placed in bank 4. You switch to bank 4, start copying... and vertical blank period is reached. An interrupt is triggered and CPU jumps to the VBL interrupt vector at address 0040h. It eventually calls gbt_update(), which switches to bank 1, and returns. The CPU returns to the same state as before the interrupt... but the ROM bank is still bank 1, so the copy won't work because it's reading incorrect data! This can also happen with code. In that case, the game is likely to crash immediately. If you only had banks 0 and 1, this couldn't happen. That's why small demos and games run fine, but they will eventually crash if they are more than 32 KB big (2 banks).

That's why the code of gbt_player.h says "this changes to bank 1!". To warn you that this does changes to the memory that you have to revert. I don't know what system GBDK uses to know what ROM bank is being used or anything like that. When I made a game (that I didn't finish) I created a ROM bank stack to keep track of the banks that I used, so I could save the bank that was being used when gbt_update() was called and I could restore it afterwards. I suppose most of you won't be able to do something like that, so the new example is an alternative.

The new example calls gbt_update() every frame in the main loop of the game. You need to put it in EVERY main loop, and you need to synchronize the game to VBL with wait_vbl_done(). That's it. No more problems of banking. Well, there still can be problems, but it's more difficult. If you can write code that has that kind of problems, you should be able to fix them.

In fact, if your game doesn't use wait_vbl_done(), your game is evil. This function enters a low consumption state until VBL is entered, and it should be used whenever it's possible. I've seen code of "games" that don't use it. They are bad. No, seriously, use that function. Please.

Examples of bad tutorials (I could only find 2 right now, both in Spanish):



PS: But you are, in fact, using GBDK, which should be avoided. :P It's better if you try to learn ASM and use RGBDS or WLA-DX assemblers instead. The GB CPU is very slow, so you need every CPU cycle you can get. Maybe you are doing a text-only game, and then GBDK should be fine, but you are wasting a lot of CPU power. GBDK functions are mostly written in ASM. I know it's harder and you want to see results right now, but it's better.

PS2: Anyway, update to the latest version (2.1.1 at the time of writing this, the same as 2.1.0 but with a new GBDK example):
